Information Lifecycle Management 2016 Predictions

We’re launching a new, three-part series on our 2016 predictions for Information Life-cycle Management (ILM), Big Data, and Enterprise Content Management (ECM). If you’re interested in the future of ILM, read on for our thoughts on how these systems will evolve over the next several years. 

Part 2 | Part 3


Short Term Predictions 

Our short team predictions from the next 1-2 years:

1. The increase in HANA & S/4HANA based migrations will give a boost to the conventional data archiving sector. This high cost of HANA hardware will force companies to shave off the business expired data first. According to a recent (2015) ASUG survey, with over 1,700 participants, 32% said that they are ready to implement HANA in the near term, which will be a big impetus to data cleanup and archiving activities.

2. There is no better time to begin the data disposition process. Average SAP clients have over 10 years of archived and active data, and companies have been actively looking for an option to purge Netweaver and functional data. The growth of SAP industry-specific solutions has also been challenging the requirement to keep data longer in the database, due to performance issues.

Long Term Predictions on Information Life-cycle Management

Our long-term predictions should cover the next 10 years:

1. Data growth is directly proportionate to the population of a region. This means that China and Southeast Asia will be responsible for huge data growth in the next 10 years. The IT automation of retail and medical sectors will accentuate the data growth in the area. Our focus, therefore, will be to contain the data growth in that geographic sector.


2. The extensive use of cellular and VoIP devices will strain network and telephony companies. Due to the unclear legal guidelines and for national security reasons, companies have been holding texts, pictures (MMS), and telephony records permanently. They have to be, however, deleted/archived actively at one point in time to avoid rigorous investments in hardware. The two-digit year after year growth of social networking websites will require a concrete solution to delete the expired data/posts.


3. The medical and pharmaceutical industry will need new data solutions. This industry will not only witness astronomical data growth, due to genome research, they will also need a solution to safely and legally destroy the expired data. ILM will have a large role to play in this area and we are foreseeing a big opportunity in this sector.


So there you have it — the next 10 years of ILM, according to the folks here at Auritas. If you’re interested in learning more about ILM, Big Data, or any related topics, check out our webinar series here.

You can also check out our 2016 predictions for Big Data and Enterprise Content Management.

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