AuritasData Volume Management
Assess & Optimize
Storage Utilization
By examining data volume distribution and management potential,
you identifying size reduction opportunities, optimizing database
performance, and ensuring efficient resource allocation.
Request a Data Volume Assessment
Reduce your data volume.
As an SAP Gold Partner, Auritas brings you best in class
data volume management services.
Assess Volume.
Reduce Costs.
In the comprehensive assessment, Auritas data experts analyze existing database table and identify archiving opportunities, determine what can be deleted or archived and what cannot. Enterprises that executed on these findings, saw database reductions of up to 84%. These reductions save our customers millions of dollars YoY.
Data Volume Management
Solutions by Auritas
Auritas portfolio of products, Data Suite, provides customers with solutions to advance their volume
management strategy from data archiving and scheduling to legacy retirement.
Real Results.
Enterprises that take on these recommendations and implement change
see significant results in their database size, performance and costs.
84% database size reduction with project payback within 10 months.
Industry: Manufacturing
85% ongoing data growth reduction and database size cut by 50%.
Industry: Distribution
Reduce data volume by 90% and 10% increase in customer satisfaction.
Industry: Utilities