Frequently asked questions
To better assist and answer common questions, our team created a FAQ list with frequent inquires about Auritas and the services we provide.
1. Do you work with Hyperscalers?
Yes, we work with AWS, SAP, GCP, & Azure.
2. Do you specialize in any particular industry?
Our solutions and services are generally industry agnostic. However, we have a strong focus on regulated industries such as CPRD, retail, distribution, defense, medical, transportation, and utilities.
3. How long does a typical project take?
Each project is unique based on customer requirements. Projects typically take from 4-12 months. Please contact us to schedule a complimentary assessment.
4. Why should we do this now?
Many companies push off these crucial upgrades to their environment – only to cost them in the long run. Acting ahead of your data management needs, privacy compliance, retiring systems, and IT upgrades will save your enterprise millions the sooner the work is started.
5. Can you help me build a business case?
Yes. Our team of experts will review your requirements and craft a full-scope business case for your required solution dealing with needed resources, future functionality, and ROI.
6. Why should I choose Auritas?
With over 500+ clients our broad expertise allows us to develop a winning strategy, perform execution, and maintain your ongoing solution.